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LIDDS has decided to concentrate its activities on three project areas

GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – The board of LIDDS AB (publ) has decided to concentrate operations on the project areas Nanodotax, Nanoimod and NOV 202.

As part of the new board's strategic review, a decision has been made to concentrate LIDDS operations in three project areas; Nanodotax, Nanoimod and NOV202 (NOV202 was acquired in connection with the acquisition of Noviga, in spring 2024).
Because of this, further investments to other projects, including Liproca, are therefore stopped.
LIDDS will attend BIO-Europe in Stockholm in November, where the company will seek contact with potential partners for its three priority project areas.
"This is a natural step, where we are now focusing and concentrating LIDDS activities on our three most promising and interesting project areas. We have very interesting data for all these project areas, which we hope will generate interest from potential partners at BIO-Europe in Stockholm in November", says Daniel Lifveredson, chairman of the board of LIDDS.